About ten days ago snow fell for the first time this.... well, it`s not even winter yet, so this fall, and temperatures dropped below zero during daytime.
That`s about one month earlier than I´m used to, but we knew before that winter in Shenyang was supposed to start early.It did.

I realized that especially Shenyang car owners didn`t seem to care as I haven`t seen a single car with snow tires yet. Although I must admit at least the streets get cleared pretty quickly here, they even use heavy machinery like power shovels, which imho is pretty rare as you seldom see big machines on construction sites in China - with it`s huge workforce here it`s often cheaper to use manual laborers. But not for removing snow from the streets,no.
For clearing the sidewalks of course.
Anyway,last tuesday we were on our way through the city by car when again heavy snow fall started. About five minutes later traffic was jammed because several cars were stuck. Enough time for a little chat about that topic with the two Chinese sitting with me in the car:
They: "It´s like that every winter. It snows, and the traffic gets jammed immediately.
Me: "Do you have special tires for winter here?"
(didn´t know what snow tire meant in Chinese)
They: "Yes we have."
Me: "Do you have to use them?"
They: "Yes, you are obliged to use them". But very,very few people do that."
Me: "I guess there are no controls by the police? And no fines?"
They: "No."
Me: "Does this car have snow tires?"
They: "No."
Me: "Will you get tires this winter?"
They: "Probably not."
After having not moved for over an hour we turned around - we had missed the appointment anyway. Inbetween the driver had blamed everything and everyone for being responsible that the traffic was jammed. Except the fact that nobody had prepared for winter....
Well, I missed an appointment but learned about Chinese mentality - and like most things, also not caring about winter having started can have a good side. One day later I was strolling through a park to take some pictures when I encountered this group of dancers. Dancing couples in a park are quite common in China, but those people here had to clear loads of snow before having enough space for their pirouettes.
I accidently made a short video instead of a picture, but for this occasion that`s even better to show the liveliness and vitality of this Shenyangers, I guess. Since two days the snow is melting as it got a tiny little bit warmer again. The dancers probably won`t mind.....